CN 11-5366/S     ISSN 1673-1530


Formation of Soundscape Scenic Spot “Evening Bell Ringing at Nanping Hill” in the West Lake of Hangzhou

  • 摘要: 杭州“西湖十景”中的“南屏晚钟”是中国梵钟类声景名胜的典范,承载着古代中国独特的风景意识与审美观念。基于文献研读,梳理出南屏山净慈寺“佛国山”的景境基础,中国梵钟声景母题“烟寺晚钟” 的影响,以及“西湖十景”品题过程中“南屏晚钟”对“烟寺晚钟”的在地化与具象化。研究为理解梵钟声景的名胜化、诗画艺术与风景园林的互动影响提供重要参考,同时也为杭州西湖声景遗产的价值认知与宣传提供基础依据。


    Abstract: The Evening Bell Ringing at Nanping Hill, one of the ten poetically named scenic places of West Lake (Hangzhou), is a typical model of Chinese soundscape scenic spots of huge bells. It represents the unique landscape consciousness and aesthetic concept of ancient China. Through literature study based on the interpretation of Nanping Hill’s landscape and the Evening Bell from Mist-Shrouded Temples, the paper analyzes the localization and concretization from Evening Bell from Mist-Shrouded Temples to Evening Bell Ringing at Nanping Hill. The paper promotes the understanding of how bell ringing has developed from a sound image to a soundscape and the interactions between poetry, painting and landscape. It provides a basis for scenic spot cognition and publicity of heritage value of soundscape resources in the West Lake of Hangzhou.


