Graphical Abstract
First ideas for the project began with the exhibition Visions 8 (Vizije SO 8), one in a series of ex-hibitions that question overlooked problems and degraded open spaces in Ljubljana. The exhibition was named Barje, a step from the city - proposal of a new connection between the city centre and beginnings of Ljubljansko barje Nature Park was formed. The name of the newly formed town park, Rakova Jelša, derives from 1800s. New public space is also the first and only public space of the nearby Rakova jelša neighbourhood. The new area was named after the neighbourhood. With the new minimal intervention, formerly degraded area of Barje is given in use, open to the public anew, revived and relinked to the city centre. Rakova Jelša is a possible template for many entry points in Ljubljansko barje Nature Park.