CN 11-5366/S     ISSN 1673-1530


Recent Transition of Several Landscape Architecture Undergraduate Programs from Five to Four Years in the United States

  • 摘要: 本文概述了5个美国风景园林学位从5年改革为4年在专业课程安排、大学核心通识课程要求、实习要求等方面的情况。这场教育改革工作的最主要的原因多数来自大学内部教务行政单位的要求。该要求源于大学所在州的命令,都要求一个本科学位必须在4年内完成120个学分。其次,这场变革还要归根于2008—2009年的全球金融风暴,其触发了对高等教育在责任和效率方面提出更高的要求。虽然有些大学可以为继续实施五年制本科课程寻求免责,但是目前的五年制学位自身也正面临着很大的挑战,尤其在招生方面。文章内容还包含了美国风景园林学科认证委员会关于该教改的一些观点。最后,笔者们就风景园林本科学位应该在多长时间内完成提出观点。


    Abstract: This paper provides an overview of five US landscape architecture programs’ transition from five to four years to graduation in terms of curriculum arrangement for the major, university core curriculum requirement, internship requirement, etc. This curriculum change was mainly due to the demand from the higher administration in most universities. Such demand came from a mandate in most programs’ respective state, that is, a college degree is supposed to be completed in four years at 120 credit hours. This movement can be attributed to the 2008-2009 global economic downturn that triggered the demand for greater accountability and efficiency on higher education. Although exemption can be sought to continue a five-year undergraduate curriculum, current five-year programs are facing greater challenges specifically on student recruitment. The paper also includes Accreditation Board’s perspectives regarding the transition. Lastly, the authors share their view on how long should it be for completing an undergraduate degree in landscape architecture.


