CN 11-5366/S     ISSN 1673-1530


Imagining Two Metropolitan Landscapes: A Comparative Territorial Transect Method for Milan and Hangzhou

  • 摘要:
    目的 杭州及米兰均面临城市化蔓延及气候变化带来的未来不确定性,对2个区域的大都市景观进行交叉比较,有助于界定它们共同面临的环境挑战并吸取经验教训。而传统的平面视图囿于行政边界,将城市理解为一个中心辐射同心圆系统,存在局限性。
    方法 因此,运用引入基于自然地理学和景观规划、城市形态分析和比较研究的国土断面比较方法,从共时和历时的角度分析米兰和杭州100 km×100 km框架、100 km国土断面及4 km×4 km样本区的水、生态、生产和文化景观主题层,以制定基于场地文脉的设计策略。
    结果 在大都市尺度上形成的米兰-杭州镜像双联画,阐明了城市化与支持它们的自然系统之间的关系,揭示了2个大都市区的景观特征、趋势、挑战和机遇的相似性及独特性。
    结论 国土断面比较方法为大都市景观的系统性和批判性解读提供了新工具,生成的设计策略有助于实现《米兰2030年总体规划》和《杭州市国土空间总体规划(2021—2035年)》中提出的关于绿地和粮食安全的定量目标。


    Objective As urbanization continues to spread around the world, the notion of metropolitan landscape is increasingly relevant to describe the hybrid spatial character of large urbanized regions beyond the urban and rural categories. Furthermore, with future uncertainties stemming from climate change, the cross-comparison of metropolitan landscapes from different contexts helps identify common global environmental challenges and draws mutual lessons regarding adaptation and mitigation strategies. We aimed to verify the cross-comparison of the Milan and Hangzhou metropolitan regions through a comparable dual portrait at the metropolitan scale.
    Methods Therefore, we introduced the comparative transect method, rooted in physical geography and landscape planning, urban morphological analysis, and comparative studies, to investigate the two metropolitan landscapes. In each context, we started with framing the 100 km x 100 km study areas at the XL scale, cross-sectional transects of 100 km, and sample areas of 4 km x 4 km at the L scale. Four thematic layers of water, ecology, productive, and cultural landscape embedded in each sample area were examined from a synchronic and diachronic perspective to formulate context-sensitive design strategies.
    Results The results compiled in a mirroring diptych reveal the analogies of landscape characteristics, trends, challenges, opportunities, and potential mutual learnings, and, by contrast, the uniqueness of each context. Furthermore, the transect view of both metropolitan areas illuminates the fundamental relationships between urbanization and the natural systems that support it.
    Conclusion The transect view challenges the plan view that is too often limited to administrative boundaries and implies the understanding of the city as a radio-concentric system. The comparative territorial transect method offers a systematic and critical reading of metropolitan landscapes, and its results contribute to the quantitative goals such as green space and food security proposed in “Great Milan 2030” and the Hangzhou Territorial Spatial Planning 2021−2035.


