CN 11-5366/S     ISSN 1673-1530
引用本文: 萨拉·凯罗·维斯勒,安娜·玛丽亚·帕尔斯多蒂尔,李同予,周硕,娜何雅.自然康复中室外环境、设施和项目标准的质量保证框架[J].风景园林,2024,31(5):91-102.
WISSLER S K, PÁLSDÓTTIR A M. A Quality Assurance Framework for Outdoor Environments, Facilities, and Program Standards in Nature-Based Rehabilitation[J]. Landscape Architecture, 2024, 31(5): 91-102.
Citation: WISSLER S K, PÁLSDÓTTIR A M. A Quality Assurance Framework for Outdoor Environments, Facilities, and Program Standards in Nature-Based Rehabilitation[J]. Landscape Architecture, 2024, 31(5): 91-102.


A Quality Assurance Framework for Outdoor Environments, Facilities, and Program Standards in Nature-Based Rehabilitation

  • 摘要:
    目的 在瑞典斯科讷省,自然康复(nature-based rehabilitation, NBR)项目的创新性体现在医疗保健方面,该项目倡导自然环境的疗愈潜力。作为基础医疗保健服务的组成部分,NBR项目旨在满足人们面对与压力相关的复杂心理健康挑战时的个人需求。
    方法/过程 在将NBR概念应用于医疗保健之前,基于在阿尔纳普康复花园(Alnarp Rehabilitation Garden)生活实验室进行的全面的实证和描述性研究以及一项为期2年的试点研究,对NBR项目进行了测试,并根据在NBR项目中获取到的个人从与压力相关的精神疾病中恢复的最新证据对其定期更新。该项目由斯科讷省区域办事处(Region Skåne)促成,旨在促进与10家精选的NBR服务供应商的合作,战略性地提供全面和整体的恢复方法。
    结果/结论 与传统医疗不同,NBR项目侧重于康复,希望通过自然(即支持性户外环境)支持的活动,增益身体、心理和社会福祉。NBR体系强调参与者的休息、有意义的参与和支持性户外环境。与自然相结合的日常活动为个人喜好提供了灵活的选择。NBR体系化的恢复方法包括晨会、参与者自己的时间、基于自然的活动、闭幕集会。维持NBR的质量需要详细的记录,定期现场访问以鼓励公开对话,并确保NBR项目的合规性。这一质量要求可以确保参与者在他们的自然疗愈(nature-based intervention, NBI)之旅中获得高质量的服务。



    The nature-based rehabilitation (NBR) program described in this text, manifests as an innovative healthcare facet within Sweden’s Skåne County, championing the therapeutic potential of natural environments. Positioned as an integral component of primary healthcare services, this initiative is designed to cater to individuals navigating the intricacies of stress-related mental health challenges.


    The concept presented is based on comprehensive empirical and descriptive research conducted at Alnarp Rehabilitation Garden living laboratory and a two-year pilot study, testing the concept prior to implementation into health care. It is regularly updated based on up-to-date evidence on NBR for individuals recovering from stress-related mental illnesses. Procured by the Regional Office of Skåne County (Region Skåne) ; this initiative fosters collaboration with a select group of ten NBR service providers strategically positioned to offer a comprehensive and holistic approach to recovery.


    Unlike traditional medical treatment, the NBR program focuses on rehabilitation, aspiring to enhance physical, mental, and social well-being through activities supported by nature, i.e., a supportive environment. The structure of NBR emphasizes participant rest, meaningful occupations, and a supportive outdoor environment. Daily activities, aligned with nature, offer flexibility for individual preferences. The structured approach includes: gathering at the start of the day, participant’s own time, nature-based activities, and final gathering for the day. Maintaining quality assurance in NBR involves meticulous record-keeping, periodic site visits encouraging open dialogue, and ensuring compliance. This commitment ensures that participants receive the highest support throughout their journey of nature-based intervention (NBI).


