CN 11-5366/S     ISSN 1673-1530


Identifying and Mapping Streetscape Locality of Shanghai Hengfu Historic and Cultural Preservation Area

  • 摘要: 目的街景地方性的识别和优化有助于凸显城市个性,塑造城市意象。将街景视为独立的地方性表达系统,有助于保护城市历史文化风貌区的景观独特性,是留住城市记忆、提升居民归属感的重要手段。方法将街景解析为物理、社会、历史和美学四个表达维度,识别相关空间品质;以上海市徐汇衡复历史风貌区为研究对象,运用人工智能图像分析技术和街景大数据,对街景地方性相关空间品质进行量化测度和空间映射,综合考虑街道两侧用地特征、建筑风格和交通功能等,讨论风貌区街景地方性的现状表达特征。结果结果表明风貌区内与街景地方性物理特征表达相关的围和度整体适中,而街景绿视率和天空可见度处于中低水平;与街景地方性社会特征表达相关的安全性整体较好、人本尺度适中,但意向性较差;表达地方性历史特征的易读性在风貌区南部较好,中部及西侧边界较差;美学特征中,街景视觉丰富度较好、一致性较强,但沿街界面渗透性一般。此外,支路、街巷等低交通等级道路街景在人本尺度、一致性和渗透性特征上优于高交通等级道路。结论为后续城市街景地方性的保护、优化和发展提供了线索,也启发了未来更多社会学、人类学等跨学科衍生景观概念的大尺度分析的思路。


    Abstract: Objective As one of the major open spaces, urban streets not only carry the transportation function, but also promote social interaction, economic growth and display the aesthetic, cultural and historical characteristics of the city. However, many new or updated streets have gradually lost their identity due to the compromise of large-scale construction and short-term delivery. This study proposed that it is important to explore ways to protect and optimize streetscape identity since street constituents the most direct impression of a city. It not only forms the identity of a city together with architecture, historical and cultural heritage, geographical characteristics and social life, but also is an independent carrier of local expression. The identification and optimization of the streetscape locality cannot only protect the landscape uniqueness, enhance the urban identity and construct the urban image, especially for historical and cultural preservation areas in modern cities, but also can work as an important step to retain urban memory and enhance residents" sense of belonging.


