Research Progress and Planning Strategies on Urban Blue-Green Infrastructure for Increasing Carbon Sequestration and Decreasing Carbon Emissions
摘要: 【目的】城市是最大的碳源,蓝绿基础设施(UBGI)作为城市重要的生态空间,其碳汇和减碳能效对实现碳中和目标具有关键意义。系统梳理当前UBGI增汇减碳研究的进展和缺陷,提出规划策略和重点论题,以指导“双碳”背景下UBGI建设,并为未来研究方向提供指引。【方法】通过文献归纳与演绎,解析了UBGI增汇减碳的测度方式、影响因素和作用机理,从固碳增汇、降(保)温减碳、出行减碳3个主要方面,构建UBGI多尺度规划策略。【结果】UBGI的增汇减碳的测度方法和影响机制具有尺度差异与不确定性,基于作用机理构建了地块—街区—市域3个空间层级、单一要素—内部特征—外部形态—布局特征多个尺度的UBGI增汇减碳规划策略,并基于当前研究缺陷和规划需求,提出了5大重点论题。【结论】从增汇、减碳两条路径、3个方面提出的多层级、多层次减碳规划策略和5大重点论题能够为UBGI建设和未来研究提供有效帮助。Abstract: Objective The world is still in a phase of rapid industrialization and urbanization, characterized by a high degree of concentration and intense consumption of energy and resources. Carbon overshoot has become the primary root cause of various environmental problems in cities and globally, further impacting human physiological and psychological health. Cities are the largest sources of carbon emissions and are crucial regions for achieving carbon neutrality goals. Urban Blue-Green Infrastructure (UBGI), comprising natural, semi-natural, or artificial green and blue spaces within cities, is considered the only carbon sink in urban areas and has increasingly attracted widespread attention from researchers. However, there are still many unresolved issues regarding the effectiveness of UBGI in carbon sequestration and emission reduction: 1) How is the energy efficiency of carbon sequestration and emission reduction measured and what factors influence it? 2) What are the mechanisms and pathways through which UBGI sequesters carbon and reduces emissions? 3) How can UBGI be regulated at multiple scales to enhance its effectiveness? 4) What are the limitations and potential directions for development in current research? This study aims to address these questions and propose scientifically sound planning strategies for the construction of UBGI to achieve urban carbon neutrality goals.