CN 11-5366/S     ISSN 1673-1530
引用本文: 邵甬,崔家滢.社会-生态系统视角下的传统村落空间景观演化机制及资源治理特征[J].风景园林,2024,31(10):115-124.
SHAO Y, CUI J Y. Space and Landscape Evolution Mechanism and Resource Governance Characteristics of Traditional Villages from the Perspective of Social-Ecological System[J]. Landscape Architecture, 2024, 31(10): 115-124.
Citation: SHAO Y, CUI J Y. Space and Landscape Evolution Mechanism and Resource Governance Characteristics of Traditional Villages from the Perspective of Social-Ecological System[J]. Landscape Architecture, 2024, 31(10): 115-124.


Space and Landscape Evolution Mechanism and Resource Governance Characteristics of Traditional Villages from the Perspective of Social-Ecological System

  • 摘要:
    目的 将以资源治理为主要研究对象的“社会-生态系统”相关理论引入传统村落保护研究领域,从多学科视野阐明人居环境有形表征下普遍存在的无形社会治理过程,推动传统村落价值认知和保护方法的创新。
    方法 以滇西地区云龙盐业村落为案例,采用社会-生态系统框架与适应性循环模型,通过共时性和历时性分析,揭示云龙传统盐业村落空间景观在不同演化阶段的治理情景和特征。
    结果 在前循环期,社会-生态系统以资源生产为演化驱动力,行动者在“资源开发维持”与“资源流通管理”两个行动情景中,通过制定一系列可持续的资源分配规则,产出了丰富的物质与非物质要素,进而发展出“业缘-血缘-地缘”联结的盐业社会及河谷盐业村落景观、山间古道桥梁景观、山地梯田田园景观。进入以资源转化为演化驱动力的后循环期,经历“资源停滞衰败”与“资源转化更新”行动情景,针对要素关联断裂、空间景观缺乏保护的现状,通过治理策略将遗产资源转化为生态、社会、经济等资源。
    结论 传统盐业村落的空间景观演化过程体现了人类社会围绕盐资源开发利用而进行的复杂治理关系。重识村落演化特征及可持续利用自然资源的传统智慧、重构以资源治理为核心线索的遗产保护框架、重建以资源转化重组为驱动力的治理机制,有利于促进传统村落特色空间景观的保护与发展。


    Objective In the context of sustainable development in urban and rural areas, the human − land relationship still faces the challenge of insufficient systematization and integration of ecological system and social system. In recent years, the “social-ecological system” (SES) theory concerning the complex interaction between human society and ecological environment has become a hot topic in the research on human − land relationship, resilience, and global change. Traditional settlements can be viewed as SESs, because they are areas where human − land interactions and influences are most closely intertwined over a long historical process. However, there is a lack of relevant research on villages that rely on public resources such as the salt resource. With resource governance as the main research object, this research introduces the SES theory into the conservation of traditional villages, and illustrates the intangible social governance process that exists under the tangible representation of human settlements from a multidisciplinary perspective, so as to promote the innovation of rural heritage value recognition and protection methods.
    Methods The SES framework proposed by Ostrom is one of the influential general analysis frameworks that can provide a powerful tool for understanding the composition, governance interactions, and outcomes of small-scale public resource governance systems. In terms of the description of the resilient and adaptive governance process, the Adaptive Cycle theory proposed by Hollings and Gunderson is a commonly used theory to describe the dynamic evolution stages of SES. Taking salt villages in Yunlong County in western Yunnan Province as an example, this research adopts the SES framework for simultaneous analysis of governance scenarios and utilizes an adaptive cycle model for historical evolutionary process analysis to reveal the governance scenarios and characteristics of salt villages in Yunlong County at different stages of evolution.
    Results Based on the characteristics of systematic utilization of public resources and resource value transformation of cultural heritage in the traditional villages, two periods and four key interactive scenarios of public resource governance are extracted. In the pre-cycle period, villages take the production of salt resources as the driving force, and experience two action scenarios of “resource development and maintenance” and “resource circulation management”. In the aforesaid two action scenarios, the actors formulate a series of resource allocation systems based on the basic principles of reverence for nature, sustainable utilization and public interests, and promote the strict protection and sustainable utilization of natural resources such as brine, forest and land. Accordingly, in terms of space, the overall spatial pattern with valley as the natural ecological base, village as the social development container, and ancient roads connected into a network has been developed, forming a landscape composed of mountains, ancient roads, terraces, public buildings, folk houses, salt wells, river valleys, bridges and other elements, which reflects the traditional wisdom of residents on the scientific and rational organization of ecology, living and production spaces and sustainable use of natural resources. Entering the post-cycle period of SES, settlements face the challenges of “resource stagnation and decay” and “resource transformation and renewal”, and the original production resources are transformed into heritage resources, making it necessary to establish a matching governance system to achieve comprehensive rural revitalization.
    Conclusion The space and landscape evolution of traditional salt villages reflects the complex governance relationship between human society and natural environment around salt resources. The conservation and development of the space and landscape of traditional villages can be promoted by reunderstanding the village evolution characteristics and the traditional wisdom contained therein, reconstructing the heritage protection framework with resource governance as the core thread, and rebuilding the governance mechanism with resource transformation and reorganization as the driving force. With changes in the external social environment, traditional salt settlements face a series of dilemmas such as stagnant resource development and urgently needed transformation into public heritage resources. Currently, cultural heritage, as a collectively used public resource, has shared economic value, cultural value, and social value. The conservation of traditional settlements needs to shift towards comprehensive analysis and exploration of people, society, culture, and economy throughout the process.


