Visual Environment Factors Influencing Staying Behavior in Cycling on Countryside Greenways: A Case Study of Qingshan Lake Greenway in Hangzhou
摘要: 【目的】郊野绿道是城市绿色慢行交通系统向郊区腹地的有机延伸,以长时间、远距离和快速度的骑行活动为主。多变的郊野环境使得骑行者的停驻行为较为复杂,继而影响骑行的安全。既有研究聚焦在骑行流量、骑行选线和骑行空间分布等方面,对以骑行为主的郊野绿道停驻空间鲜有论及。【方法】基于视觉环境对行为的显著影响,以杭州青山湖郊野绿道为研究场地,选取“停驻人数、停驻时间、停驻人次、停驻率”为关键指标,利用Keep中的骑行轨迹计算得到停驻强度,并结合图像语义分割和ArcGIS分析视觉环境特征,经相关和回归分析获得视觉环境对停驻行为的影响因素及强度。【结果】研究发现:1)骑行者在节点的停驻时间较路段更长,但整体上仍显短暂,意味着节点空间使用率偏低,在路段的停驻频率更高,意味着一定的骑行安全隐患;2)节点的停驻行为受视域面积影响最大,路段受绿视率影响最大,这说明在开敞的节点空间更容易发生有目的较长时的停驻,而在绿化水平较高的山林路段更容易发生即兴短时停驻。【结论】最终分别就停驻特点对绿道节点与路段提出空间策略:对视觉环境不佳的驿站,可通过加强亲水性和山体可见性延长停留时间;对绿视率较高的山林路段,通过局部出挑、切入山体等方法因地制宜增加小微停驻空间,减少停驻对下坡快速骑行的阻碍。研究为提升郊野绿道骑行安全性和驿站使用强度提供了依据和方法。Abstract: Objective The countryside greenway is an organic extension of the city"s green slow-moving transportation system to the suburban hinterland, meeting urban residents" needs for close contact with nature and fostering opportunities for the development of an urban-rural combined belt. Cycling, as a slow-moving activity combining outdoor sports and leisure tourism, is one of the main forms of activity on countryside greenways. Compared to urban greenways, cycling on countryside greenways is characterized by faster speeds, longer distances, and longer durations, making cyclists more attentive to the rest, view, and safety aspects of the staying spaces when selecting a place and deciding the duration of their stay. Eighty to ninety percent of the external information perceived by humans is obtained through vision, which significantly impacts human behavior and environmental experiences. Riders on countryside greenways are often drawn to the unique visual environment and make temporary, impromptu stays, potentially increasing safety risks. Additionally, existing regulatory documents have not adequately considered the safety of cycling on countryside greenways, resulting in insufficient attention to this issue. Thus, studying the characteristics of staying behaviors and the influencing factors of the visual environment on countryside greenway cycling is of practical significance and also expands upon existing greenway research. The planning and design of staying points in combination with the visual environment not only help improve the safety and friendliness of greenway cycling but also leverage scenic resources to attract cyclists to stay longer, thereby enhancing the usage intensity of the countryside greenway and further promoting the development of the tourism economy in the countryside.