CN 11-5366/S     ISSN 1673-1530


Construction of Multi-level Ecological Corridor System for National Parks: A Case Study of the Proposed Nanling National Park

  • 摘要:
    目的 探索适应未来环境变化、耦合生态系统层级结构、实行差异化建设管控的国家公园生态廊道体系,有助于缓解生境破碎化、强化国家公园功能。
    方法 以拟建南岭国家公园为例,依据生态系统服务功能重要性,识别区域层级生态源地;结合气候与相关规划模拟未来情景,采用MaxEnt模型进行生境适宜性评价,识别园区层级生态源地。在各层级阻力面的基础上采用电路理论模型提取生态廊道,再基于地理探测器识别源地的生态本底特征,从而确定廊道宽度与生态踏脚石,并通过踏脚石进行层级嵌套。最终依据生态本底特征进行景观异质性分析,制定差异化建设管控内容。
    结果 在南岭国家公园生态廊道体系中,分别构建区域与园区2个层级的生态廊道990条、154条,将13个生态踏脚石与52条区域层级生态廊道进行层级嵌套连接。将园区层级生态廊道划分为三大类建设管控分区,以林业小班为空间单元制定了12小类差异化建设管控内容。
    结论 多层级生态廊道体系的建立,提高了廊道对未来环境变化的适应性,增强了国家公园园区内部生境的连通性及园区与更大尺度区域的连通性,可有效支撑生态廊道的建设与实施,增强了国家公园在自然保护地体系中的主体支撑作用。


    Objective Influenced by natural environmental changes and human activities, habitat fragmentation has become a widespread phenomenon in protected areas. Constructing ecological corridors is an effective measure to mitigate habitat fragmentation. However, the current construction of ecological corridors faces challenges, such as not being able to adapt to future environmental changes, not being able to correspond to the multi-layered structure of ecosystems, and not being able to clarify the specific content of construction control. Therefore, it is of great significance to explore the ecological corridor system of national parks that can adapt to future environmental changes, correspond to the multi-level attributes of ecosystems, and implement differentiated construction control.
    Methods This research establishes a framework for the construction of a multi-level ecological corridor system. Taking Nanling National Park as an example, this research first sets the overall goal of improving the connectivity of habitats within Nanling National Park and the spatial continuity of ecosystem service functions between Nanling National Park and peripheral areas outside the park at a larger scale. Based on the overall objective, the proposed levels are determined to be the ecosystem level corresponding to the region where the national park is located (regional level) and the community level corresponding to the park (park level). At the regional level, ecological source areas are identified based on the importance of ecosystem service functions, and resistance surfaces are created using factors that hinder the flow of ecological materials. Ecological corridors are extracted based on the circuit theory model. At the park level, ecological source areas are identified based on species habitat suitability. The method of future scenario simulation is introduced in the identification of ecological source areas, and the future environmental data are obtained through two climate models (ssp126 and ssp585) and related plans. Based on the current environmental data and future environmental data, the MaxEnt model is used to identify the ecological source areas. Next, the research uses the GeoDetector for spatial stratified heterogeneity analysis to identify the ecological background characteristics that affect the generation of ecological source areas. The width of ecological corridors is determined based on these characteristics, and ecological corridors are integrated and organized. Then, ecological stepping-stones are used to connect the ecological corridors at different levels. Finally, based on the ecological background characteristics, the landscape heterogeneity between the ecological corridors and the ecological source areas is analyzed, and based on the principle of reducing the difference between the ecological corridors and the ecological source areas, zoning is implemented for construction management and control of ecological corridors, and the specific contents of construction management and control are formulated.
    Results In the ecological corridor system of Nanling National Park, 392 ecological source areas and 990 ecological corridors are identified at the regional level; 85 ecological source areas and 154 ecological corridors are identified at the park level. The system connects the regional level and the park level through 52 ecological corridors and 13 ecological stepping stones. Based on landscape heterogeneity between ecological source areas and corridors within the park, the research area is divided into three types of construction management and control zones, for which 12 specific measures for differentiated construction management and control are adopted. The specifics of construction management and control correspond to the forestry unit, which defines the spatial scope of the implementation of ecological corridors. Ultimately, the natural succession area covers 633 units with an area of 116.35 km2, accounting for 37.45% of the total ecological corridor area; the artificially promoted natural succession area involves 431 units with an area of 70.15 km2, accounting for 22.58% of the total ecological corridor area; and the artificially repaired area covers 1,203 units with an area of 124.21 km2, accounting for 39.98% of the total ecological corridor area. According to statistics, more than half of the ecological corridor area entails the introduction of manual intervention into construction management and control, indicating the importance of manual intervention for ecological corridors.
    Conclusion This research proposes a framework for constructing a multi-level ecological corridor system for national parks, and establishes such a system for Nanling National Park. The research simulates the distribution of ecological source areas under different future scenarios, delineates construction management and control zones, and formulates specific implementation measures. Based on this, the research concludes that establishing a multi-level ecological corridor system can enhance the ecological connectivity between national parks and their surrounding areas, improve the adaptability of ecological corridors to future environmental changes, effectively support the construction and implementation of ecological corridors, fully leverage the ecological radiation role of national parks, and further strengthen the central role of national parks in the protected area system.


