CN 11-5366/S     ISSN 1673-1530


Study on the Influence of Evolution of Blue-Green Spatial Landscape Patterns on the Cooling Effect in Xi''an Central Area

  • 摘要: 【目的】城市蓝绿空间对缓解高密度城区热岛效应具有重要作用。优化蓝绿空间格局作为存量发展时代改善城市热环境的重要途径,理解其在不同空间水平的降温机制尤为重要。【方法】本文以西安市中心城区为研究区,选取6个典型景观指数解析了研究区近10年来蓝绿空间格局的演变特征,采用空间自相关分析和多尺度地理加权回归模型(MGWR)分析了蓝绿空间格局指数与地表温度等级之间的空间耦合关系,揭示了西安中心城区蓝绿空间变化对降温效应的影响因素。【结果】结果表明:(1)2013—2023年间,西安市中心城区蓝绿空间格局变化显著;(2)西安中心城区地表温度呈“北高南低”的空间分布特征,中心区域地表温度的变化幅度不明显,低温区主要集中在灞桥区的南部地区;(3)景观指数与地表温度等级变化之间的耦合关系在空间尺度上存在不均匀性。在城市高密度区域,小面积的复杂蓝绿斑块具更较强的降温效果,而城郊则应避免大面积蓝绿斑块的粘连,大型水域附近形状规则且连通度高的蓝绿斑块有助于降低地表温度;(4)利用城市蓝绿空间整体性指标,探讨其对降温效应的影响机制,将有助于从全局角度制定缓解城市热岛效应及蓝绿空间格局优化与管理的策略。【结论】2013-2023年间西安主城区温度变化与蓝绿空间变化关系显著且存在较强的空间异质性,蓝绿空间在不同空间区域的面积、形状、聚集度等对地表温度变化的影响存在差异,针对区域特征提供相应的蓝绿空间优化策略有助于提升蓝绿空间降温效应。


    Abstract: Abstract: Objective In the contemporary global context, urban areas are increasingly confronted with the dual pressures of global climate change and rapid urbanization. These pressures have led to a significant rise in urban temperatures, thereby amplifying the importance of blue-green spaces in mitigating the urban heat island (UHI) effect. Blue-green spaces, which include natural water bodies, parks, green corridors, and other vegetated areas, play a crucial role in regulating urban microclimates. As cities enter an era of stock development, where the focus shifts from expansion to optimization of existing resources, the strategic configuration of these spaces has become a cornerstone for enhancing urban thermal environments. Understanding the cooling mechanisms of blue-green spaces at various spatial scales is essential for improving urban thermal comfort and guiding the planning and construction of urban blue-green infrastructure. Methods This study focuses on the central urban area of Xi''an, a city that has experienced substantial urban growth over the past decade. By employing a combination of spatial autocorrelation analysis and a multi-scale geographically weighted regression model (MGWR), the research examines the characteristics of blue-green space changes and their impact on land surface temperature (LST) from 2013 to 2023. The findings reveal the spatial heterogeneity of cooling effects and offer tailored optimization strategies for blue-green spaces across diverse urban contexts. The research methodology involved the selection of six representative landscape indices to evaluate the changes in blue-green space patterns in Xi''an''s central urban area. These indices were carefully chosen to capture the nuances of spatial configuration, fragmentation, and connectivity of blue-green spaces. Spatial autocorrelation analysis was utilized to identify spatial clustering and patterns in the data, while the MGWR model allowed for a more granular examination of the relationship between landscape indices and LST levels. This integrated approach not only revealed the factors influencing the cooling effects of blue-green spaces but also highlighted their spatial variability across the urban landscape. Results The results of the study are both revealing and instructive. (1)The blue-green space patterns in Xi''an''s central urban area underwent significant changes over the study period, reflecting the dynamic interplay between urban development and environmental management.(2) The spatial distribution of LST exhibited a distinct "high in the north and low in the south" pattern. The central region, characterized by dense urban fabric, showed minimal fluctuations in LST, whereas low-temperature zones were predominantly concentrated in the southern part of the Baqiao District. This uneven thermal distribution underscores the complexity of urban heat dynamics and the need for targeted interventions.(3) The relationship between landscape indices and LST changes displayed notable spatial heterogeneity. In high-density urban areas, small and complex blue-green patches demonstrated stronger cooling effects, emphasizing the importance of intricate designs in densely built environments where space is limited but the need for effective cooling is paramount. In contrast, suburban areas benefited from avoiding the aggregation of large blue-green patches, which could otherwise hinder effective cooling due to reduced air circulation and increased shading. Near large water bodies, regularly shaped and highly connected blue-green patches were found to be particularly effective in reducing LST, highlighting the synergistic effects of water and vegetation in enhancing cooling performance and suggesting that integrated blue-green networks can maximize thermal benefits.(4)By utilizing holistic indicators of urban blue-green spaces, the study explored their influence on cooling mechanisms. This comprehensive approach provided a foundation for developing strategies to mitigate the urban heat island effect and optimize blue-green space management. The findings suggest that the cooling effects of blue-green spaces are contingent upon their area, shape, and aggregation in different spatial regions. For instance, in high-density urban cores, smaller and more fragmented blue-green patches were more effective, while in suburban and peri-urban areas, larger and more contiguous patches were preferable. Additionally, the spatial configuration of blue-green spaces near water bodies emerged as a critical factor, with regular shapes and high connectivity enhancing cooling performance. Conclusion The study concludes that from 2013 to 2023, the relationship between temperature changes and blue-green space changes in Xi''an''s central urban area was significant and characterized by strong spatial heterogeneity. The cooling effects of blue-green spaces were found to vary based on their spatial attributes and the characteristics of the surrounding urban environment. These findings highlight the necessity for region-specific optimization strategies to maximize the cooling potential of blue-green spaces.By integrating spatial analysis and regression modeling, the study provides a detailed understanding of the cooling mechanisms of blue-green spaces across diverse urban contexts. The results emphasize the importance of tailoring blue-green space designs to local conditions, considering factors such as urban density, proximity to water bodies, and regional climatic characteristics.This approach enhances the effectiveness of blue-green spaces in mitigating the urban heat island effect and contributes to the creation of more sustainable and thermally comfortable urban environments. The study advocates a holistic and adaptive urban planning strategy, where blue-green spaces are strategically designed and managed to address the unique thermal challenges of different urban areas. This research offers valuable guidance for policymakers and urban planners aiming to optimize blue-green infrastructure and improve urban resilience in the face of climate change and urbanization.


