The Study on the Settlement Pattern and Evolutionary Characteristics of the Dianchi River Basin from the Perspective of Geographical Nomenclature
摘要: 【目的】滇池流域是以“人水关系”塑造聚落体系的典型样本,水文环境不仅是人居环境的本底,也深度参与聚落体系的塑造过程,本文对“人水关系”塑造滇池流域的聚落格局及其空间演化特征开展研究,阐释聚落体系的空间肌理,拓展人居环境科学交叉研究方法的可能性。【方法】研究以滇池流域的聚落为研究对象,应用地名学的词语分析,结合GIS的空间特征分析、地理探测器等量化分析方法,探讨滇池流域的聚落格局及其演化特征。【结果】①滇池流域整体及各类别聚落地名皆为集聚型分布;聚落的分布呈现为“双中心”结构且具有明显的水系集聚特征。②海拔与河网密度是影响滇池流域聚落格局演化的关键因素。【结论】①滇池流域的聚落格局揭示了在“水退人进”的总体趋势下,人居活动重心的空间转移过程,该过程是通过卫所屯田等“人水关系”的重大事件实现的。②聚落格局的演化特征为:海拔与河网密度的互嵌作用,对元代以后短时间尺度的滇池流域聚落空间格局的塑造,起到显著影响;从“水文约束”到“人水互动”构成的双重线索,贯穿了“人水关系”长时尺度下的演化进程。③地名学以确切的历史空间信息与丰富的空间属性,可在聚落研究的宏观时空格局与微观过程中起到桥梁作用,拓展了聚落时空描述的可能性与自洽性。Abstract: Objective A watershed is a river basin with a water system as its backbone, which is a geographical unit with natural and cultural attributes. The "human water relationship" often constitutes the most important set of "human land relationships" in a watershed. In the process of adaptation between humans and water, watersheds have become containers and links that nurture human civilization and witness the evolution of urban and rural areas, forming a typical human water complex system. The Dianchi Lake Basin is a typical sample of the settlement system shaped by the "human water relationship". The hydrological environment is not only the background of the human settlement environment, but also deeply involved in the shaping process of the settlement system. This article conducts research on the settlement pattern and spatial evolution characteristics shaped by the "human water relationship" in the Dianchi Lake Basin, explains the spatial texture of the settlement system, and expands the possibility of interdisciplinary research methods in human settlement environment science.