CN 11-5366/S     ISSN 1673-1530


Research Progress of 3D Digital Information Modeling of Urban Green Space

  • 摘要: 【目的】在城市信息模型,三维实景和数字孪生城市的快速发展下,城市信息模型构建的方法和标准已获得广泛应用。绿地植被作为生命体,其分枝形态和生长过程有别于其他基础设施,传统基于构件的信息模型并不能满足绿地的数字化需求,需要进一步探讨完善。【方法】通过对国内外现有数字信息模型标准中的绿地相关部分的的总结和分析,结合不同的应用需求,探讨适用于绿地信息模型的表达方式,包括模型组成、数据逻辑和评估应用途径三个方面。【结果】在绿地信息模型的组成部分方面,主要包括空间几何模型和属性关联模型两个部分,需要基于不同绿地的需求进行针对性构建。在数据组织方面,绿地信息模型的细节层级划分、几何三维重建和生长过程模拟是绿地信息模型的特有需求。在评估分析方面,绿地信息模型可以用于三维绿量指标计算,三维景观格局分析和三维空间生态系统服务评估三个方面的实践需求。【结论】当前城市绿地信息模型在研究实践中尚需要进一步发展完善,包括建模标准构建、共享平台开发和生成算法研究3个途径。


    Abstract: Objective With the rapid development of urban information models, 3D virtual scenes, and digital twin cities, the methods and standards for city information modeling have been widely adopted. Traditional spatial data storage and exchange methods are often based on two-dimensional drawings and documents, which cannot meet the current practice demands. Urban green spaces are a vital component of city infrastructure, providing various ecosystem services. To effectively digitalize the process of urban green space planning, design, and management, it is essential to establish spatial information models that can accurately reflect the characteristics of these spaces. Additionally, a monitoring and feedback mechanism based on digital twin models of green spaces should also be established. As living organisms, urban plants have unique branching structures and growth processes that differentiate them from conventional grey infrastructure. Therefore, traditional component-based information models cannot address the modeling requirements of green spaces, which will need further investigation and enhancement.


