CN 11-5366/S     ISSN 1673-1530


Evolution, Characteristics and Inspirations of Management Zoning for National Parks in the United States

  • 摘要:
    目的 分区是国家公园管理的重要制度,也是国家公园管理研究中重要的科学议题。
    方法 采用编年史法、文献法解析美国国家公园管理分区发展的5个历史阶段;采用比较法、制度分析法、逻辑分析法解析每个历史阶段的演变特征及总体特征。通过对美国国家公园分区制度的历程及特征的系统解析,为中国国家公园分区制度的理论及方法提供启示。
    结果 美国国家公园管理分区经历了二分区模式、六分区模式、四分区模式、自主分区模式、无分区模式5个历史阶段;从功能属性、功能特征、功能目标、体系完整性、方法论等内部特征,以及管理政策完整性、政策的科学性、弹性与刚性框架、自检等外部特征两大维度,解析美国国家公园管理分区的9条特征。
    结论 中国国家公园分区应当被视为一种依托管理细则的技术性方法,需加强制度建设,就此提出4点建议。1)在总体思路与路径上,宜体现灵活性与动态性,中国国家公园宜采用“1+N”的分区模式,或将功能分区改为管理分区与管控分区并置。2)分区形式体系应与分区的实质体系相配合,在管理规划中确立“关键问题/关键要素/关键区域—管理目标—管理规定—管理分区”的逻辑链及规则体系。3)在程序上,调整分区审批主体。将管控分区与管理分区的划定与调整纳入管理规划中,并随管理规划进行审批。4)在政策体系完整性上,加强顶层政策设计。


    Objective The zoning system for national parks is a comprehensive technical measure that reflects the interaction among resource characteristics and values, human activities, management objectives, and control measures. Zoning is a crucial system for national park management and represents a significant scientific topic in national park management. From the pilot stage to a new development stage, how to scientifically and rationally conduct zoning in national parks, based on the “Chinese model”, still remains a scientific issue to be addressed. This research clarifies the evolution and overall characteristics of each development stage of the zoning system for national parks in the United States, analyzes the formal and substantive composition of the zoning system, and explains the logical system of “goal − rule − zoning”, and finally provides effective inspiration for the theory and method of the zoning system for China’s national parks.
    Methods This research uses the chronicle method and literature research method to analyze the 12 documents on national parks and the zoning of 63 national parks in the United States. The research summarizes five historical stages of the evolution of national park zoning. Additionally, the research uses the comparative method, institutional analysis method, and logical analysis method to analyze the features and characteristics of each historical stage.
    Results The management zoning for national parks in the United States can be divided into five historical stages: Two-zone model, six-zone model, four-zone model, autonomous model, and no-zoning model. The development of the zoning system for national park management in the United States has a history of more than 80 years, which has experienced the goal shifting from “utilization − function” to “protection − control”, the concept shifting from “zoning by potentially conflicting human activities” to “multi-level zoning system based on management objectives”, and the form evolution from “unified formulation” to “decentralized autonomous formulation”. The zoning model of national park management in the United States tends to be localized, flexible, and dynamic. In addition, this research analyzes the nine characteristics of the management zoning for national parks in the United States: 1) Functional attribute of zoning — transform from functional zoning to comprehensive control zoning; 2) functional characteristics of zoning — most zones are similar to China’s main functional zone, rather than the restricted red line zone; 3) functional goal of zoning — strive to achieve the dual balance of “protection − utilization”; 4) zoning policies are of flexibility and complete; 5) zoning is based on the dynamic adaptive management theory; 6) zoning should be supported by a more comprehensive and systematic policy system; 7) zoning must be based on a scientific and rigorous policy system; 8) different designation areas and autonomous zoning composed its rigid and flexible frame; 9) zoning may be deduced through the comparison of multiple scenaro.
    Conclusion China’s national park zoning should be regarded as a technical method relying on management rules, for which the system development should be strengthened. To this end, this research puts forward the following suggestions: 1) In terms of overall thinking and pathway, zoning should reflect flexibility and dynamism in laws and regulations. China’s national parks should adopt the zoning model of “1+N”, namely retaining the existing definition and regulation of the core zone, while endowing the zones outside the core zone with autonomy so that they can meet the provisions on the existing “general control zones”. Alternatively, functional zoning can be juxtaposed with the control zoning, with the status of functional zoning being established in laws and regulations. 2) The formal system of zoning should be compatible with the substantive system of zoning, with the logical chain and rule system of “key issues/key elements/key areas − management objectives − management regulations − management zoning” being established in the management plan. Besides, management rules should be refined to enhance the adaptability. 3) Procedurally, the delineation and adjustment of zoning should be incorporated into the management plan, and the mechanisms for periodic assessment of planning and zoning should be incorporated into the legislation to summarize problems and rectify them in a timely manner. 4) The integrity of top-level policy design should be strengthened. Besides the definition of the zoning system, it is suggested to study and formulate a more macroscopic and comprehensive policy on national park management, which should be similar to the “NPS Management Policy” of the United States, and can not only powerfully support the zoning system but also correctly position the zoning system.


