CN 11-5366/S     ISSN 1673-1530


Construction of Leisure Farms Based on the Prepositioning of Operational Thinking: Beijing Shuinichang Garden

  • 摘要: 当前休闲农庄面临规划前瞻性及可持续性运营不足等问题,为提供解决问题的思路与实践指导。以北京水泥场花园为例,引入运营思维前置的理念,提出市场需求与资源匹配性规划、多元化与产业化经营、品牌建设与营销推广、注重游客体验与服务、遵循可持续发展原则五大核心要素,并将之融入农庄规划设计与建设中,实现易传播性、可教育性、可持续性与可增值性四大运营价值。水泥场花园作为休闲农庄规划设计项目的运营思维前置案例,达成了预期的社会、经济及生态效益,为休闲农庄的可持续发展奠定基础,期待该策略在未来能够广泛应用,推动行业创新。


    Abstract: Currently, leisure farms face problems such as lack of forward-thinking planning and sustainable operations. This research aims to provide solutions and practical guidance for these problems. Taking Beijing Shuinichang Garden as an example, the research introduces the concept of prepositioning of operational thinking, with the five core elements of planning for market demand and resource matching, diversified and industrialized operations, brand building and marketing promotion, focusing on visitor experience and services, and adhering to the principle of sustainable development being proposed and integrated into the planning and design of leisure farms, to achieve four operational values: Ease of dissemination, educability, sustainability, and value addition. As a case of prepositioning operational thinking in leisure farm planning projects, Beijing Shuinichang Garden has brought social, economic, and ecological benefits, laying a foundation for the sustainable development of leisure farms. It is hoped that this strategy can be widely applied in the future to drive industry innovation.


