CN 11-5366/S     ISSN 1673-1530


The Research Method and Methodology of Pattern Language Based on Ecological Nature of Landscape Space

  • 摘要: 图式语言是基于景观空间的生态特性而建立的一种表达景观地方性和空间逻辑的新范式,是以图式为基本语言符号研究景观空间由基本空间、复合空间到整体景观空间的基本语汇与基本逻辑关系,并为塑造新景观提供语汇、语法等图式语言体系的支撑。图式语言研究是采用了景观空间原型与高效空间、空间选择与样本分析、空间抽象与图式提取、图式语汇与空间逻辑以及图式语言体系构建与验证的研究方法。图式语言的研究方法是基于结构主义与解构主义、自组织协同理论与逻辑设计、空间生成过程与空间推理以及景观的多重表意与语用学等方法论基础之上的。图式语言的研究方法和方法论基础是景观空间的系统性、有机性和演变性决定的,是多学科研究方法和方法论的综合。


    Abstract: Pattern language is a new approach toward landscape expression and spatial reasoning based on ecological personality of landscape space, which studies the basic vocabulary and logical relations from basic unit, blend unit to total landscape using the space pattern as language sign, and so pattern language can support the design vocabulary, syntax and grammar to create new landscape. Pattern language research uses the method of landscape space prototype and space performance, space selection and sample analysis, space abstract and pattern extraction, pattern language vocabulary and logic, and pattern language system construction and validation. All these methods are based on the methodology of Structuralism and deconstruction, self-organization coordination theory and logical design, space forming process and spatial reasoning and multiple meaning and pragmatics of landscape. The basis of the research methods and methodology of pattern language is determined by landscape space systematic, organic and evolution character, and is a combination of multidisciplinary research methods and methodologies.


