CN 11-5366/S     ISSN 1673-1530


Development and Construction Practice of Auroville—A Continuous Exploration of Material and Spirit

  • 摘要: 曙光村是一个起步较早并受到国际关注的乡村人居试验村落,曙光村旨在展现城镇和乡村如何协同发展,人和自然如何和谐共生。笔者通过对本地治里和曙光村的研究剖析,评述了从作为殖民地建立的本地治里,到为实现大同世界而建立的曙光村的背景和历史,探讨了曙光村的发展和建设实践中的成果和教训以及其对发展中国家乡村建设的借鉴意义。


    Abstract: Auroville is recognized as one of the earliest, internationally endorsed collective experiment in humanhabitat. It aims to demonstrate how urban&rural areas can develop in a holistic and complementary way, and how human and nature can coexist in a harmony way. Through on-site researchesof Pondicherry and Auroville, this paper reviews the historical development from the establishment of Pondicherry as a colonial city to the inauguration of Auroville as a universal township. It discusses the characteristics, achievements, and lessons in the development and construction of Auroville, and its significance and reference for the development of township and rural areasin developing countries.


