CN 11-5366/S     ISSN 1673-1530


Exploration of Gardening Environment and Borrowed Scenery of Jichang Garden

  • 摘要: 以寄畅园的借景为研究对象,在分析寄畅园外部山林地造园环境的基础上,剖析寄畅园借景的景观与空间特征,以及这一借景景观与地形环境的关联性,揭示水系山势纵横之间的正面全景与侧面景深的组合关系,并在对拙政园、赖久寺庭园等中日园林布局的例证分析中,展现所隐含的山水因借的布局模式。同时梳理历史文献中关于寄畅园借景的变迁过程,指明园林布局对借景变迁的影响。


    Abstract: Focusing on borrowed scenery of Jichang Garden, and based on the analysis of the mountainous environment outside the garden, this paper reveals the spatial structure of borrowed scenery, and the relations between borrowed scenery and the topography of gardening environment. It shows the combination of the panoramic view of mountains in front direction and the view in depth of field composed by the water system in lateral direction. It exemplifies the implicit model of borrowed scenery and its relevant layout, by the analysis on the layout of Chinese and Japanese cases like Zhuozheng Garden and Raiku-ji Temple Garden. At the same time, it studies changes on borrowed scenery of Jichang Garden recorded by historical literature, and clarifies the influence of the garden layout on the changes of borrowed scenery


