CN 11-5366/S     ISSN 1673-1530


Changes in Jiangxi Yiyang Dieshan Academy Garden—From the Social Environment Perspective of Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties

  • 摘要: 采用文献考证法、田野调查法与逻辑演绎法,以元明清社会环境为视角,分析弋阳叠山书院园林变迁及其动力。自元代至清代,从变迁形式来看,书院园林选址从郊野山林迁入为城市高胜地,布局从单轴线前祀后学的建筑空间形态发展成双轴多进深多院落的园林空间形态,园林文化从以儒学文化为主转变为儒道释俗文化共存。从变迁动力来看,政治环境和经济支持是书院园林建设发展的基础,政体态度决定了书院园林存亡及其社会意义,经济支持在书院维系和官学化方面具有显著影响力,文化环境受政治环境影响,包容的政治环境允许延续宋儒品格,严苛的政治环境禁锢自由文风,因此文化环境对书院园林的选址、空间布局与文化确立起到关键作用力。


    Abstract: From the angle of social environment, combined with literature research, field investigation and logic deduction, the paper analyzes the changes and inner impetus of Yiyang county Dieshan Academy garden. From the Yuan Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, in aspect of transitional form, phase-ground of Dieshan Academy garden moved from mountain forest to city resort, the spatial distribution changed from the architecture space with single axis featuring front sacrifice hall and back teaching rooms to the garden space with double axis and lots of courtyards, and the culture transformed from Confucianism dominance to coexistence of various cultures. In aspect of changing impetus, the political environment and economic support were the foundation of the academy garden construction development. The attitude of the government decided the academy garden survival and its social significance. The economic support had significant influence on its maintenance and officialization. The cultural environment was influenced by political environment, which allowed the continuation of the Song Confucianism if inclusive, or banned free style of literature if harsh. Therefore, the cultural environment played a key role in the site selection, spatial layout and cultural establishment of the academy garden.


