CN 11-5366/S     ISSN 1673-1530


Spatial Structure of Shallow Lake Settlement Landscape in Northern China: A Case Study of Baiyangdian

  • 摘要: “洼”“淀”是中国华北地区重要的自然地理类型,作为守卫京畿水利安全和水运畅通的蓄滞洪区和水运节点,其形成的防洪、灌溉、航运、渔苇体系独树一帜。白洋淀是洼淀的典型案例和雄安新区的重要组成部分,通过对洼淀景观体系进行不同尺度的研究,揭示地貌类型、地理单元、村镇聚落等不同层级彼此嵌套的洼淀聚落景观空间结构,并且基于其功能逻辑和内在机理初步讨论洼淀聚落景观的保护利用和规划设计思路。


    Abstract: Shallow lake (Wa Dian) is a universal type of geographical environment in northern China, which has multiple functions such as flood control, irrigation, shipping, fishing and reed production. Baiyangdian is an area with many shallow lake and an indispensable part of Xiong’an New Area in Hebei Province. In this paper, we study geo-morphology, land-use patterns, settlement layout in Baiyangdian area on different scales, and explore in partiular the spatial structure and formation mechanism of shallow lake settlement landscape.


