CN 11-5366/S     ISSN 1673-1530


Gardens are… Buildings: A Garden’s Role in Unprecedented Times

  • 摘要: 由COVID-19引起的全球性危机向世界各地的城市施加着压力,要求人们重新思考城市的发展和运营方式。不仅研究了花园过去如何成为,并且在将来如何继续作为城市结构中的重要元素,而且讨论了花园在当今这一空前的历史时期中起到的重要作用,以及花园与城市绿地对公共健康的影响。倡导设计师应该以创造多重感官体验为目的来进行花园设计,以为人类健康带来更多裨益。还提出了具有宏观指导意义的花园建设列表,用以帮助城市规划师和设计师将其最初的设计理念和方法融入花园之中。


    Abstract: The global pandemic caused by COVID-19 is putting pressure on cities throughout the world to rethink how they should develop and operate. This paper examines how gardens have been and how they should continue to be a significant element within the urban fabric of cities. It discusses the role of gardens today and examines the public health impact of gardens and access to urban green space. The authors support the idea that gardens should be designed in order to create a more multi-sensorial experience so that the health benefits can be most effective. This paper also proposes a broad planning matrix which supports urban planners and designers to integrate gardens as part of their initial building policies and design approach.


