CN 11-5366/S     ISSN 1673-1530
引用本文: 刘淑虎,黄静馨,黄龙英,王文奎.基于视线关联的古代泉州山水人文空间格局识别与解析[J].风景园林,2024,31(6):115-124.
LIU S H, HUANG J X, HUANG L Y, WANG W K. Identification and Analysis of the Pattern of Landscape and Humanity Space in Ancient Quanzhou City Based on Line-of-Sight Correlation[J]. Landscape Architecture, 2024, 31(6): 115-124.
Citation: LIU S H, HUANG J X, HUANG L Y, WANG W K. Identification and Analysis of the Pattern of Landscape and Humanity Space in Ancient Quanzhou City Based on Line-of-Sight Correlation[J]. Landscape Architecture, 2024, 31(6): 115-124.


Identification and Analysis of the Pattern of Landscape and Humanity Space in Ancient Quanzhou City Based on Line-of-Sight Correlation

  • 摘要:
    目的 识别山水人文空间格局有助于格局发展策略的提出和识别技术体系的构建,是发掘中国传统城市营建智慧的重要前提。
    方法 以“人文空间视线关联山水”的营建原则为方法构建基础,借助ArcGIS软件中创建要素、交点捕捉、核密度分析等工具,构建“历史建成环境复原及转译—视线提取—被视点捕捉—被视点密集区捕获—格局识别”的方法路径。
    结果 古代泉州历经隋唐“倚恃清罗,独轴定址”—宋元“望山引序,七峰夹持”—明清“两横一纵,朝案昭彰”的格局演化历程,形成四轴所构的“牛”字形总体山水人文空间格局,具有在空间秩序上“双十率东,面紫立西”、在景致风物上“山城一体,层景立境”和在文化内涵上“景情交融,文蕴立域”的特征。
    结论 泉州山水人文空间格局蕴含着空间秩序永续延展、景致风物层叠可得、自然人文互动互促的格局营建智慧;未来研究可在研究对象方面扩充山水城市案例,在研究方法方面进行智能化革新提升,在研究实践方面指导空间格局修复和发展策略制定,从而实现全面认知和保护历史城市山水人文空间格局的目标。


    Objective As an important prerequisite for exploring the wisdom of traditional construction, the identification of pattern of landscape and humanity space is conducive to the proposal of pattern development strategy and the construction of identification technology, and can help solve the problem that a large number of urban spatial patterns need to be identified and protected.
    Methods Following the space construction principle of “establishing line-of-sight correlation between humanity space and landscape”, this research constructs an identification approach for spatial pattern that includes five steps: “restoration and translation of historical built environment”, “extraction of line of sight”, “capture of viewed points”, “capture of densely viewed areas” and “identification of spatial pattern”, in order to open up a new perspective for the identification, protection and development of urban spatial patterns. Specifically, the “extraction of line of sight” means using the create features tool of ArcGIS to extract the orientation of humanity spaces and streets to simulate the line of sight; the “capture of viewed points” means using the Intersection Snapping Tool of ArcGIS to capture the intersection of the light of sight and the maximum value of the contour line to simulate the viewed point; the “capture of densely viewed areas” means using the kernel density analysis tool of ArcGIS to analyze the kernel density of viewed points and obtain densely viewed areas; the “identification of spatial pattern” means determining the cultural order within the city and identifying the pattern of landscape and humanity space by comparing the consistency between the densely viewed areas and visible mountain peaks at a macro scale, and analyzing the correlation between the orientation of highly consistent streets, humanity spaces and mountain peaks at the urban scale.
    Results The research results show that in Sui and Tang dynasties, when the ritual order dominated urban construction, the pattern of landscape and humanity space in Quanzhou City was mainly distributed along the north-south direction, forming a north-south single axis connecting Qingyuan Mountain and Luochang Mountain, and laying a solid foundation for the long-term development of the spatial pattern of Quanzhou. During Song and Yuan dynasties featuring economic prosperity and development, Quanzhou, under the dual influence of foreign and local cultures, presented a trend of diversified and personalized urban construction to meet multiple needs such as economic, religious and cultural needs, forming a central divergent spatial pattern overlooking seven mountains. During Ming and Qing dynasties when urban construction was dominated by folk religion, relying on the street framework and driven by the “Pujing” (“mirror laying”) systempattern, Quanzhou actively built humanity space with a specific orientation to enhance the line-of-sight correlation, and created a spatial pattern emphasizing two horizontal axes and one vertical axis and clarifying the two mountains of Chao Mountain and An Mountain. In summary, Quanzhou continued and strengthened the “牛” (“Niu”)-shaped pattern led by the four axes through the coordinated construction of humanity spaces based on line-of-sight correlation. This evolutionary process exhibits the characteristics of enriched belief, personalized orientation, and scientific concept. The analysis of the aforesaid spatial pattern reveals that in terms of spatial order, Quanzhou seeks the ingenuity of nature and constructs humanity spaces with artistic conception, thus forming a spacial pattern featuring inheritance and leadership, with the “Double Ten” axis determining the spatial pattern of the eastern urban area, while the axis facing Zimao Mountain determining the spatial pattern of the western urban area. In terms of landscape construction, through the development and supplementation of humanity spaces, Quanzhou establishes a landscape system featuring city − mountain integration with a strong sense of charm; in terms of cultural connotation, mountains are related to urban culture and life, thus consolidating urban cohesion and centrality.
    Conclusion Upon review and analysis, this research concludes that the pattern of landscape and humanity space in ancient Quanzhou City contains three types of construction wisdom: Construction essence of extension and sustainability of spatial order; design techniques for the hierarchy and accessibility of landscape organization; application wisdom of interaction and mutual promotion between nature and culture. Future research may expand the case studies of landscape cities in terms of research object, carry out intelligent innovation and improvement in research method, and guide the formulation of spatial pattern restoration and development strategy in practice, thus achieving the goal of comprehensive understanding and protection of the historical pattern of landscape and humanity space.


